Wednesday, December 1, 2010

These are the days of our lives

These are the days of our lives....
Ever watch soap operas? I watched Days of Our Lives some in high school. But I'm not sure why I watched. It got on my nerves really bad that there was always so much drama. The people on there always talked constantly about their problems, were always negative, and always lived in the past. Ugh. Completely annoying.
Well, lately I feel as though my life would make a pretty good soap opera. On top of our normal chaos, we've had a bit of drama. I've been waaayyy over dramatic about my shop, LizzieLu & BabySue. It is due to open around the first of March, and I have been on a roller coaster of emotions about it since I made the decision. I have questioned and doubted about every aspect of it.
I've come close to a nervous breakdown because of the financial stuff. I suppose they are trying to be helpful, but people always question me about the economy when they find out about the shop. Really? Do they think that I am not aware of what is going on in the world? Do they think I haven't considered it? Well, I have. I have been over and over and over it all. I always come up with the same thing. I feel confident that God gave me this desire and that it is His plan for me. I believe that no matter what happens with the shop, He will be glorified. 
I've fought with guilt over leaving the girls. I have never wanted to do anything but stay home with my sweet daughters. I want myself and Mr. Wonderful to be the major influence in their lives. And I know that who they spend the most time with will have the most impact on them. I want them to be home with me so that I can protect them from the world as long as possible. I don't want to have to ask someone else how their day went. I want to already know. I want to be there for them and be able to talk to them about things that happen throughout the day. At the same time, I know that they need the structure of preschool & daycare. They need to be around other people and children. Addie would benefit greatly from preschool, because she gets so nervous when she is presented with new situations or the unknown. I think it would help to expose her to other things and help her to be more outgoing and confident. Avie would benefit greatly from daycare, because she is so self-absorbed. She does whatever she wants, whenever she wants and doesn't care what anyone thinks or says or how it affects them. I have a very difficult time trying to discipline her. She doesn't seem to respond to anything. She is almost always getting into something and completely disregards the rules. I think it would help to get her away from me and put her in a group setting where everyone around her is following the same rules.
I have also struggled with the timing of the store opening because of Mr. Wonderful's health problems. He just isn't getting any better. He started a new IV treatment three weeks ago for his ITP (low platelets) and we found out this week that it isn't working. We go Monday to make a decision about what to do next. His ulcerative colitis is also acting up. He is on a new medicine for it, so we are praying that it will start working soon. The timing is also scary because Mr. Wonderful's job ends after this December. The company decided that they will move the project he has been working on to Texas where the home office is. We are praying that he will be given the opportunity to move into a new position in the Birmingham office. He has been told that this is likely to happen, but there are no guarantees. We are nervous, but trusting that God has a plan. He has never failed us and we know He will not now.
Knowing that I will be working outside the home 6 days a week after the shop opens, I feel like there is so much pressure on me to get the house in order. I feel it is necessary to clean out all the closets, cabinets, drawers, and have everything organized perfectly. I have been home for several years now. I can't even imagine what it will be like to get up every day, leave the house early in the morning, and not get home until late evening. When will I get all of my "house stuff" done? I know that it is possible because people do it all the time. I'm just not sure how it will work for me. It won't be long before I have to figure it out though! There are so many things that need to be done at the shop. Until now, most of the preparations have been over the phone and internet so I have been able to work from home. Not anymore. I plan on letting the girls come with me as long as possible. The first thing I will need to do at the shop is get a place for them to play. I'll gather some toys, games, movies and stuff from home. I have a tv I can take, but will need a fridge and probably a microwave. My sister has a table and chairs she is letting me have, but I may need to get a small couch so they have a comfy place to nap.
After the girls have their stuff in place, I will move all my sewing stuff to the shop. It has completely taken over my laundry and dining rooms. It just can't stay here. Plus, it will be nice to be able to leave a project out and not have to put it up every night. Maybe it will make me more productive!
Then comes the real LizzieLu work. Window displays, mannequins, inventory. So exciting and yet so exhausting. Hmmm, I think I'll get back in the bed for a while until the girls get up!
Love and prayers for you all!

1 comment:

  1. All I have to say about the housework is, it'll be there when you get to it. Don't beat yourself up for leaving the dishes in the sink one night because you decided to read your girls a book instead of washing the dishes. I'm just saying, my house is always cleaner in the summer when I'm out of school. If something has to suffer because you are busy having a family and a job that God wants you to have, then by all means let it be the housework.
