Wednesday, March 21, 2012

random things I hear, part 2

I just found this post that I guess I never finished. It's funny that I find it today after just writing about the random things I hear the girls say. Because along with their crazy commentary, I also listen to and answer the exact same questions every single day, many times a day.

I'm at the shop today and have the girls with me. At the moment, they are in the back watching Beauty and the Beast. Again.

They always like to know exactly what is going to happen next. We are always having the same conversations. "What are we going to do when we get up from nap?" "What are we going to eat for lunch?"  "What are we going to do after we eat lunch?" "Are we going to the shop in the morning?" "Are we going to school in the morning?" "Is Gran going to be there?" "Are we going to stay at the shop until it is dark?" "Will Daddy be home when we wake up?"
 "Is Daddy working with PaPa and Ricky today or is he at his office?"
 And so on. 

I don't mind answering them over and over again. Because our typical routine appears to be so scattered, it seems to give them some comfort to know what to expect. It almost makes things go more smoothly. Except, that is, when plans change. They always call me out about it. Even if the change in plans benefits them, they still seem to be bothered by it. Especially Addie. "But, Mommy, you said we were doing this today!"
Yesterday morning my mom called and offered to work so we could stay home. "Hooray!" I thought. "The girls will be so excited!" I had told the girls the night before that we would have to stay at the shop all day. That morning when I was fixing breakfast for them, Addie didn't want to sit down. She wanted to change clothes instead. Then she went to her room for a while. I figured she just wasn't hungry and wanted to play. When she finally came out, she wanted to know when we were going to the shop. When I told her we were staying home, she looked disappointed. It was then that I realized that she had been packing a bag of toys to take with her. My sweet little planner. 
Once Addie decided that it was okay to stay home, we had a really nice, lazy day together. Thanks, Gran! 

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