Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Perfect Fit, Part 2

I know that my last few posts have ended abruptly, but I am just blogging at the shop when I have a few free minutes. So when someone comes in, the post ends! No more staying up til 3 am for me....nope. I try to go to bed before 11 pm now. And truthfully, that isn't even early enough! I should be in bed before 9...Mr. Wonderful and I have always wondered how people can get in bed so early every night. How do they get everything done? Well, at this point, I don't care if I get it all done or not as long as I get some sleep!! I know that if my awesome neighbor/friend happens to read this, she will laugh out loud. She will probably even come by the shop just to say, "I told you so!"

At this point I should probably inform you that I used to make fun of said neighbor/friend for having her lights out before 9 pm every night. We would just be leaving for the grocery store at 10 pm and their house would be completely dark! I probably even called them "old" a time or two. So any mockery I get from her, I fully deserve :o) 

But back to the shop and why this post is called "a perfect fit, part 2." The nanny. She is a perfect fit for us. As nervous and worried about leaving my girls as I was, Nanny has calmed all those fears. She was obviously meant to be, because she actually came up in a frantic, last minute whining session with my mother, Mrs. Incredible, about not having anyone to keep the girls until school was out. As I was crying about it, I just asked out of desperation, "Don't you know of anyone?!" Well, she actually did. The next day we hired Nanny. 

We had first thought they would be able to start preschool early. That didn't work out because there wasn't enough room. Both girls will be in preschool in the fall and I really didn't want to start them at one daycare and then take them out to go somewhere else. Addie just wouldn't like that. She needs something stable. Nanny is that stability she needs. She is young and energetic, but also laid back. She is great with them. She takes them places and plans activities for them. They love her and so do I. Not only do they have fun with her, but I know that they are safe with her. This means everything in the world to me. Although she is young, she is responsible and dependable. I know she isn't perfect, because nobody is. But she is definitely perfect for us. I used to babysit quite a bit when I was younger. I also worked at a daycare for a while. Watching Nanny with the girls reminds me of how I was with the kids I kept. She doesn't look at them as if she is annoyed with them (even if she is...and it wouldn't surprise me if she was, because sometimes even I am!) she just looks at them with patience and love...even if she has to grit her teeth to do it!!  

This is where God's divine intervention comes into play again...I was seconds from calling the daycare and sending the girls. I may have been stressed and worried about what to do with them, but He had it taken care of all along. I would have never had the peace about being separated from my girls if they were in daycare. I am in no way implying anything against daycare!!! I worked at one and loved it and still love it. The people who work there are incredibly gifted at what they do and they do an incredible job.
If I am implying anything, it would be that my little girls are spoiled! They have been home with me their whole life. They have structure, but are not used to a schedule. We have always had a daily routine, but if something came up we could tweak it as we wished. If they slept late, we ate late and napped late. No big deal. If they were in a bad mood, they could just sit alone and pout until they felt better. It would not be fair to the workers or other children or my girls if I had thrown them straight into a strict schedule. With Nanny, they have the opportunity to get used to having someone else as the authority figure other than me. They have the opportunity to use the Summer to get used to waking up earlier and having to leave the house....which is a major adjustment for me also!! I have the hardest time finding something to wear each day. My wardrobe for the past 6 years has consisted of maternity clothes, sweat pants, and t-shirts. I am in desperate need of a shopping trip, but then again, I really don't even know what to buy because I have only shopped for the girls for so long. Boo-hoo, I know! But I think having Nanny will help prepare the girls for preschool.

I don't know why I always get so worked up and worried over things. God has a plan and it is so much greater than mine. He sees the big picture. He is just sitting back waiting on me to stop whining and just turn everything over to Him. And when it comes to my girls, there is no place better than safe in His arms.

Love and prayers for you all!


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