Monday, February 27, 2012

This is not where I belong, Part 2

I know, here I go again with the songs. This just another song that is speaking to my heart right now, helping me to make sense of everything.

The video below is without a doubt, the best "skit" I've ever seen. I've have never, ever been able to watch it without sobbing. Please take a few minutes to see for yourself how amazing it is.

See how happy the girl is in the beginning with her relationship with Christ? He is taking care of her. He is providing everything she could ever possibly need. She is completely content with Him. That is, until the world steps into her life.

Did you notice how sweet the world seems to be in the beginning? How easily it pulls her away from Jesus? 
Do you see that Jesus never leaves her? He stays as close to her as possible, yet He won't force her to come back. 
Notice how one thing of the world just leads to another?
Notice how each new thing places itself between the girl and Jesus, creating more and more distance? Even when she looks back and tries to see Him, they are standing in her way, blocking her view. 
Although the world started out sweet in the beginning, and each thing appeared to make the girl happy as she first came into contact with it, it ended up hurting her and eventually causing her to hurt herself.
The most powerful part comes when the girl finally decides that Jesus is all that she wants and all that she needs. That is also the most scary part. See how hard she has to fight? See how brutal they are in pushing her back and pulling her down? Did you notice that as she began to fight her way back to Him, Jesus began pulling the girl back towards Him? He is fighting right along with her. It would be so easy for her to just give up. I am so glad that she doesn't. Seeing her continue to struggle to reach Him, Jesus throws Himself over her and protects her. He blocks everything evil from being able to reach her so that she won't be harmed anymore. Then He gently picks her up and dusts her off and embraces her. 

I said before that I can't watch this video without sobbing. Although the things of the world that came into my life may have been somewhat different that those in the video, this is a pretty much my own personal testimony. And thankfully, my testimony has the same triumphant ending as the skit you just watched. 

But what if it could have been different? What if the girl in the video had been better prepared when the world first enticed her? What if she had a better foundation upon which to stand? What if she had the strength to run back to Jesus and fight for Him before she was so wounded by the world? Before the world had come so far between them?

This is my prayer for my children. Not that they will never experience anything at all in life and that they will live their entire life in a bubble (as many people assume). No, my prayer for them is that they will be prepared when the world makes its attack on them. Because I know that attack is coming. 
This is why I have chosen to "shelter" them. Not because I think that I can protect them forever. But because I want to protect them long enough for their faith to give them a firm foundation upon which to stand. Then, when they choose on their own to fight for Jesus, He will be there to protect them. 

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