Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Walk on Water"

I heard this song for the first time today.
I listened to it 3 times back to back.
Then I listened to it some more.
I felt as if it were God speaking directly to me.

Over the past several months,
I have been feeling as if God has been revealing His plans for me.
Me and my insecure self have been spending time with some old "frenemys"
also known as self-doubt, fear of failure, fear of rejection, along with others.

I've shared with you before that I've never really known
what I wanted to be "when I grow up"
But, finally, in this last year of my twenties,
that is all starting to change.

I am so very excited (and completely terrified)
to announce that I am beginning to sell
children's clothing
Made by HER!

Several different job opportunities have been presented to me over the years,
and Mr. Wonderful and I have spent much time praying over them.
We have always come to the same conclusion.
That conclusion is that God has provided us with the opportunity for me to stay home with the girls and that is where He wants me to be.

Mr. Wonderful and I now feel that God has a wonderful plan for us and our future involving the children's clothing.
This has been such a difficult decision for me.
As much as I want it and feel that it is God's plan,
I have been frozen with fear.

Mr. Wonderful...I just can't say enough about him.

He supports me in so many ways. And this opportunity is no different.
He has been nudging me towards this for quite a while,
because that is what he does.
He takes my fears and he tells me that they are not justified.
He has confidence in me when I have none in myself.
I am so blessed to have him in my life.
Every day I am more sure that it was God's plan for us to be together.
And every day I pray that we live our lives the way God intended when He put us together.

Okay, now that I have gone all gushy and mushy over Mr. Wonderful,
let's get back to the real story here...
I am now taking orders!!
I have been working hard doing research, and now it is time to just work hard.
I hope to have much more information soon.
I still have a lot to figure out, but I just felt that it was time to let everyone know.
Now that you know, I'm sure you also know that I have a serious request from all readers...
Please keep me in your prayers over the decisions to be made and how to handle things.
Please remember Mr. Wonderful and the girls as they live with the extra chaos.
And, of course, please pray for the success of everything involved in this plan.
Please pray that I keep my eyes on Christ as I step out on faith and "walk on water"

Hope to see lots of children wearing clothing Made by Her very soon!!!
Love and prayers for you all!

1 comment:

  1. you are going to do fine - you could even offer a line that includes Mommie-Daughter stuff cause I've always thought that was so cute - especially for special times. I'm praying for you - always my friend - and for Adam. Love you! Ami Smith
