Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'm working on it...

Although I didn't get into bed until almost 11 last night, I don't feel like a complete failure. I was able to get Adam up and send him off pretty early this morning. Plus, I actually accomplished a few things yesterday. I cleaned my floors last night after supper! I am so thrilled about this because they were in terrible shape. I stuck Avie in the high chair with some toys, and Adam kept Addie occupied by letting her help wash dishes (that means she played in the water while he loaded the dishwasher.) The floors look great and are so shiny. I suppose I should enjoy it now because in a few hours they will be sticky from juice and will have pop tart and granola bar crumbs everywhere. But I wouldn't have it any other way! Today I will dust, throw away old magazines, and clean out the entertainment center. Then I will be finished with the family room.

I also have my new routine written out. It still needs some adjustments, but it's a start. I planned on starting it today, but woke up with a terrible headache and a phone call that said Baby Leah was coming. Baby Leah is my cousin's baby. She is an adorable 12 month old with the prettiest red hair. She usually stays with us about 4 out of 5 days a week. The girls love having her here. They play together really well. I'd like to have our first day of the new routine be a day when it is just me and the girls. Maybe tomorrow.

As far as my menu planning goes, I'm still working on it. I'm trying to branch out from our usual stuff and add something new in the mix. I love to cook. The holidays are my favorite because I have an excuse to stay in the kitchen all day trying out new recipes. Some of them have turned out to be new favorites and some have been total disasters. I still have fun either way. If any of you have recipes you would like to share, please leave me a comment! I'd love to try them out.

So far my menu plan includes: beef tips & rice, oven-fried chicken & mashed potatoes, breakfast casserole, and chicken enchiladas & mexican rice. I also try to keep things like tuna helper in the pantry and chicken fingers, fries, and a pizza in the freezer....there are just some days when the girls won't even let me look at the kitchen much less cook a real meal. Lunch is always either a sandwich or leftovers and breakfast is granola bars, pop tarts, or crackers.

I know all of this routine stuff probably doesn't sound like much to some, but this is my life. This is what I do. It is my job to take care of everything in the home. Adam is an incredible husband and helps do things around the house every day. But it is MY responsibility to see that all is done. I say this because Adam went into a store for me yesterday afternoon to return something and the male cashier was extremely rude. He was talking to another employee very openly about how the only people who come in the store are women who don't work and spend all their husband's money. Both men agreed that it was ridiculous for a woman to stay home now..."it isn't the 80's anymore." (The 80's part is hilarious to me because it shows just how ignorant they are. The 80's are when most women started working outside of the home!) Adam told the men that his wife stayed home with his children and that he loved it. He said they just looked at him like they felt sorry for him.

I promised that I wouldn't use this blog to vent, but I must explain something. In our 5 1/2 years of being married, Adam and I have been through a lot. If you keep following my blog I'll talk about it later. But for now let's just say that we were thrilled to find out that we had Addie on the way. Thrilled and terrified at the same time. We prayed and prayed and together felt that it was time for me to come out of work. I stayed home through most of my pregnancy with her.

This decision wasn't made lightly and it certainly wasn't because we had an overabundance of money. The decision for me to stay home was made because we believe that children are gift from God. The greatest blessing. We wanted to be sure that we took full advantage of that blessing by doing everything we could to raise her the way we felt God was leading US to. That meant giving up some worldly things and choosing to live off one income. In no way do I believe that it is what every woman should do. Everyone has to make their own choices, the ones that are right for their own situation. Adam and I have no regrets. We both love our life and intend to keep it this way until we feel led in another direction.

I'll let ya know if I ever get dressed today. Don't forget to share your recipes. I'll try to post some of mine later. Have a blessed day!

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