Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Goals? What goals!

I'm only half of the way into my first day with goals, and I am already going to change them. I was dressed, in yoga pants instead of pjs and a cute t-shirt instead of a stained one, before lunch. So that means I sort of accomplished Goal #1, right?

Then I fixed lunch for the girls and fed them and I sit here now with potatoes in my hair, gravy on my shirt, and I smell like beef stew. Grrrr. How frustrating is that! I now remember exactly why I don't get up and get dressed every isn't because of comfort, it is because it doesn't make any sense at all! It is also impossible to eat right if you don't plan ahead, so Goal #2 is out for today.

My new idea is to plan out a routine for myself and the girls. Not a schedule, but just something to help keep me in check. I feel like I run in circles all day long trying to get stuff done, and then I lay awake in bed at night and think about all the things I didn't accomplish. After being up so late, I end up sleeping in and the same cycle starts all over again. Don't panic, I am NOT going back to my perfectionist and obsessive ways! I am just looking for a happy medium between perfect and unproductive.

I've always taken the approach with the girls that if you plan and prepare ahead, things will go much more smoothly. I keep their diaper bags full and ready at all times. I keep diapers, wipes, and clean panties in the family room so that I can get to them more easily. I keep their toys up on high shelves in the play room and only get a few down at a time for them. The rule is that if they want something different, they have to pick up the other stuff first. I used to even apply the plan ahead theory to my grocery shopping, and I would menu plan for the entire week. It doesn't always work, but it helps cut down on midweek grocery shopping. It also avoids the question of what's for supper. I'm not sure when or why I stopped doing my menu planning, but I need to start it back immediately.

I also need to be getting in bed by 9:30 every night. This is the major thing I need to work on. Adam needs to get up at around 4:30 to miss the bad 280 traffic, and we don't usually get in bed until midnight or later. It's crazy, I know. I really need to work on this one for him. I know that it is my fault we are usually up so late. It also helps me out when I get up with him. I can get soooo much accomplished if I start before the girls ever get up.

We have all been sick since the holidays and I've gotten so backed up on my every day house cleaning stuff that it feels like I will never catch up. So I'm making a plan for that, too. I am going to tackle one room at a time. I just have to decide if I am going to start with the bedrooms or the family room. I suppose the family room should be first because it is the one people will see. I will give myself two days per room. After I finish the rooms, I will start on the closets. All four of us have so many clothes in our closets that don't fit anymore. I just did it at before winter, but it is already time again.

I haven't abandoned the idea of getting up and getting dressed every day. But that plan needs some tweeking. For now, the plan is that my next sewing project will be an apron. I will start it as soon as I get some fabric.

That is as far as I have gotten for now, and I'm sure I will change my mind again before the day is over. You should have expected it though...I told you my life was chaotic. Now you know is because my mind is chaotic!

1 comment:

  1. The best thing I've ever done as far as goals go is making a list. You'd be surprised how liberating it is to put a check mark beside an accomplished task. Start with something you know you will do for the day like "brush teeth"'ll feel better if you can start out with at least one check mark :)
