Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Big Blogging Monster

So, I finally started this blog as my husband suggested. I'm not sure why, but for quite some time now he has been encouraging me to start one. He would randomly find ways to bring it up in conversation. I'm not sure whether I should feel flattered or insulted. Either he thinks I am a highly interesting and intelligent person who should share my greatness with the world.....or he thinks I talk too much and believes that if I blog about it, he won't have to listen to it. Obviously, he is not aware that if I am blogging, I will just tell him everything I am blogging about!

Actually, I think my husband is wonderful. I am secretly excited that he encouraged me to do this. I'm not so sure that I have anything interesting to say in a blog, but the fact that he thinks I do is wonderful. We just watched a movie together and for some reason, after it went off I jumped up and ran to the computer. He followed, and together, we created my blog. With setup complete, I looked at him and said, "You have created a monster. A big blogging monster!" And then I sent him away so that I could decide what to write about first.

Adam, the wonderful husband, was unsure about the "chaotic" name. He said it made us sound crazy or something. (At this point, I must confess that I have slight issues with being told I am wrong....but only because I never am.) I just couldn't be wrong about the name I chose for my fabulous new blog, so I grabbed good ole Webster and looked up the word "chaos." As I read, sweet Adam began to change his mind. There is just no way to deny that "confused unorganized state" and "unpredictability in behavior" describe us perfectly. And honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I have been "chaotic" my entire life. I never was too sure of what I wanted to do when I grew up. But I always knew what I wanted. I wanted to be happily married to my best friend. I wanted to us have babies and grow old together and still be best friends. And I knew who that best friend was that I wanted to marry. Adam. It was always him. He was my very first kiss. My very first real love. I met him at church when we were in 6th grade and I never got over him. I didn't realize it at the time, but looking back, almost every decision I made growing up can somehow be linked back to him. God certainly had His hand on us from the beginning. Adam's admiration for me wasn't as immediate as mine for him. But with much wishing, hoping, and praying on my part, he finally opened his eyes and realized we were so perfect for each other it would be ridiculous for us to not be together. Well, that isn't quite how it happened, but close enough for now. Either way, we have been together for over 9 years, have been married for 5 1/2, and have the two most beautiful little girls in the world. We have been through so much together and, by the grace of God, we have only gotten closer to each other and to Him through it all.

Sorry about the gushing. It was completely unintentional. I suppose that is what I get for sitting down and starting a blog without a real plan. I thought maybe the first blog should be like an introduction. Like a get-to-know-you. What better way to get to know me than to hear this. It is now 1:20 am. I chose midnight to create a blog. My husband is sleeping on the couch waiting on me to go to bed. My 16-month old just cried out for me and when I went into her room to check on her, she looked at me and said, "Uh-Oh." She had dropped her paci and couldn't find it in the dark. I gave it back to her, changed her diaper and her wet pants, got her a cup of juice, and passed her off to my no longer sleeping husband so that I could return to my blogging. Obviously, I am planning on the girls sleeping late in the morning. Welcome to my chaotic life!


  1. Hey Holley! Great blog! It can be fun sometimes to have one.

  2. Great blog...So glad you did it. It will be an addiction for awhile as you go from blog to blog and get interested in the lives of so many. It is a blessing to be able to pray for some that have requests on their blogs and to see how God works miracles through others. I think your blog name is perfect and hope you continue. It is really a great "outlet" to share your thoughts and the comments are usually so uplifting. Keep it up!
