Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Got Goals?

A friend tried to warn me that this would happen, but in the past few days I have become quite addicted to reading others blogs. It is amazing how quickly I feel a connection to people I don't even know. The theme is the same in all of the blogs I've been interested in. They are all about improvement. Becoming a better you. Getting your home organized. Getting your life organized. Getting in better shape. Being a better mother.

As I read, I would get so excited for the bloggers as they got closer to their goals. And I began to think about how important it is to be better tomorrow than you were today. I already strive for that every day. But having an actual plan set out seemed to help keep these women on track. It enabled them to see where they had made improvements and held them accountable when they had slipped. I would love to give credit to the bloggers whose goals I borrowed, but I've read so many that I just can't remember them all. But thank you to everyone who blogs and shares your experiences. It is a great encouragment to me!

Because I am a stay-at-home mom, I must confess that I spend most of the day in my pjs. I've just never seen the point of getting dressed up to clean house and cook and play tea party and grocery shop and visit my MaMa. But, of course there is a "but" and this is a big one for me, I am beginning to see that maybe it doesn't send the right impression to others. I don't suppose I mind what others think, but I do mind what Jesus thinks. I have to admit that I would be more likely to reach out to someone and witness to them if I felt more confident about how I looked. They would probably be more likely to stick around long enough to listen, too! How dare I choose comfort over the kingdom! I just didn't really think of it like that before.

Goal #1: Get up and get ready every day.

I'm a mother. My body has been through 4 pregnancies. I am not concerned with the fact that I don't look like I did 5 or 10 years ago. I am, however, concerned with the fact that I don't try to eat healthy things and do healthy things. I've been getting sick a lot and I'm getting sick of it! Maybe a healthier lifestyle would help me fight things off. I don't really have a problem with candy and sweets...I have serious issues with anything salty. Potato chips. French fries. I have to stop before I raid the pantry, but you get the idea. I need to add some veggies (that aren't fried) and fruits (that aren't dunked in powdered sugar) in the mix. I'm pretty sure that chasing the girls around the house all day doesn't qualify as exercise considering the fact that we live in a matchbox, so getting up and moving around wouldn't be a bad thing either.

Goal #2: Live healthier.

Adam and I took a class at church many years ago and learned about this pyramid thing. It is just a visual of the order in which things in your life should take priority. The pyramid should be: God on top (1st), your spouse next (2nd), your children (3rd), your extended family (4th).....and goes on with your job, home, etc. My pyramid is a little out of order at times, so putting Christ first has to happen. I just realized that means He should be goal #1. Hmmm, I told you mine was out of order!

Goal #3: Put pyramid in order.

I am going to try to start with these goals tomorrow. I'm not even sure yet how I plan to do them. I guess I will just start by trying to get dressed tomorrow and we'll see what happens after that!

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